Hi Everyone!

Thank you for reading my last and final post.


“It doesn’t get easier… you just get better”

One of the greatest words of wisdom I have ever heard.

If you think about anything you go through in life, you realize that some things come easy and others…not so much.

For instance, when you were a child learning to ride a bike seemed impossible.  But, with practice you became better and now can probably ride it with no problem.

The main thing I hope you got out of my posts and this blog in general is that nothing ever comes easy.  You must work hard and always remain positive.

Yes, you are going to have days where you don’t wanna go on your daily run, where you want to have a brownie, or when you cave and hit the snooze on your alarm.

You’re only human, so you’re going to have off days.

However; you want to get better, you must work for it.

If you do, I promise it will be worth it.

With that being said, I would like everyone to know I have signed up and I am officially doing the Color Me Rad run in Pittsburgh in two months!

It will be my first 5k, so once I am done with school I will be running it!

It is taking place on June 11, 2013 and is already booked!

You haven’t heard of the color me rad run?

Press the following!

If you don’t feel like listening to the audio, the Color Me Rad Run is sponsored by the Ronald Mcdonald Foundation. Sixty percent of the profit made will go to his house of charities in Pittsburgh.

The run takes place at different intervals throughout the day starting at 9:00 AM and ending at 3:00 PM

If you don’t feel like running, don’t worry about it! You can walk or come out just as a volunteer.

Throughout the race there is non-toxic color thrown at the runners.

It is suggested you bring a change of clothes for the car ride home.

So if you feel like having a fun and exciting run with your friends, sign up today!

Since I am the only one active in my family, they are going to come with me and volunteer, so we will still make it a family affair!

Not from Pittsburgh? Don’t worry, there are many different locations all throughout the United States.

I am beyond excited.

Since I do live in Pittsburgh, over the past few months I have went on runs all throughout Pittsburgh and have seen such beautiful sites.

Below is a slideshow of what I have seen.

Thank you so much for looking at my blog, I am truly blessed for all the support and positive feedback on it.

– Katie


Later on tonight I will be posting my FINAL BLOG POST.

please tune in and give some feedback on it!!

I hope you guys are enjoying the weather.

Please feel free to leave comments.

Thank you so much to everyone who has followed my blog.

Over the past few months I have definitely learned a lot from posting here, and a lot from you guys!

So, thank you once again!


Hey everyone.

I hope you’re having a great week.

The sun is shinning and it is beautiful here!

Below are a few pictures I had to post for class.

The first one shows out of 20 people, how many are from different major cities.

The majority were from Pittsburgh and Philadelphia.

Then Boston and Miami.


Below is a graph comparing the similarities of weight gain in college and why.

I think it shows why people in college gain weight, and the two main reasons are eating unhealthy and stress. A lot of people said that because of both they gained weight…which doesn’t surprise me.




The last two I would like to compare is how healthy someone considers themselves versus how many times they work out a week






Finals Approaching

Hey everyone I hope your weak is going well.

I just wanted to give you a heads up my schedule has kind of been all over the place considering the fact finals week is coming up!

I found this page and wanted you to check it out, I think it could be beneficial to you and your blogs, and I found it interesting as well.



Top 5 Cities with Smoking Problems

<a href="

” title=”Top 5 Cities with Smoking Problems”>Top 5 Cities with Smoking Problems

#1, Tulsa, Oklahoma
Smokers: 24.6%
Cigarettes per day: 16.2
Tried to quit with gum: 26.9%
Tried to quit with patch: 32.8%
Tried to quit with support program: 7.4%

#2, Wilkes Barre-Scranton, Pennsylvania
Smokers: 23.5%
Cigarettes per day: 16.8
Tried to quit with gum: 25.8%
Tried to quit with patch: 27.6%
Tried to quit with support program: 9.3%

#3, Memphis, Tennessee
Smokers: 22.5%
Cigarettes per day: 14.3
Tried to quit with gum: 21.7%
Tried to quit with patch: 27.5%
Tried to quit with support program: 5.4%

#4, Indianapolis, Indiana
Smokers: 23.8%
Cigarettes per day: 15.5
Tried to quit with gum: 26.9%
Tried to quit with patch: 25.8%
Tried to quit with support program: 9%

#5, Louisville, Kentucky
Smokers: 25.4%
Cigarettes per day: 16.2
Tried to quit with gum: 31.9%
Tried to quit with patch: 35.6%
Tried to quit with support program: 9%

DICK’S Sporting Goods Pittsburgh Marathon

<a href="

” title=”DICK’S Sporting Goods Pittsburgh Marathon”>DICK’S Sporting Goods Pittsburgh Marathon

Hey everyone! So for my blog this week I decided to do statistics for the Pittsburgh Marathon coming up May 5, 2013. 


The Dick’s Sporting Goods Pittsburgh Marathon course goes through the unique and historic neighborhoods of Pittsburgh. Cheering fans and music throughout the course will welcome runners from all over the world to participate.

Runners will begin racing on the North Shore of Pittsburgh, cross each of the three rivers in Pittsburgh and travel through the South Side, Oakland, Shadyside and Bloomfield neighborhoods.  The course runs along the rivers of the City and challenges you on a hill that takes you into the University area of Pittsburgh. The last five miles of the race are downhill as you return to the downtown area.

For more information please visit:

‘the work you do while you procrastinate is probably the work you should be doing for the rest of your life’ – Jessica Hische

Hi everyone!

For my blog today, I would like to share with you my top 5 favorite ways to procrastinate.

As I sit here doing this, I would just like to share with you that my assignment is due in less than two hours.  So yes, I am procrastinating writing about procrastinating.

There are two different types of procrastinating: structured and unstructured

With structured, you use the desire to avoid an important task as motivation to crank out other activities. Anything to postpone what you really need to do, right?

Unstructured procrastination is important for recharging creative energy and allowing the unconscious mind to work on difficult problems.

5. Do it right before it is due.

That is always fun to say.  Speaking from a college student point of view, the funnest and most productive way to get something done is to wait until the last minute.  It isn’t smart to stress over something by waiting until the last minute, but haven’t you ever liked the rush you get once you finish something right before it is due?

I like to think I do every assignment, and I know that I would be less stressed if I got things done earlier, but I think I work best under pressure.

4. Catch up with an old friend.

You only live once (assuming you are not a cat) so why not go grab a bite to eat with an old friend, or visit with someone you haven’t seen in awhile.  

Okay, you have a test tomorrow, instead of studying all alone in your room, why not go to your friends with some flashcards and have them help you?

Yes, it is possible to be constructive and still procrastinate.  

I like to think as the forth way to procrastinate as the smartest way to procrastinate.

3. Relax.

Take a nap, go for a walk, read a book.  Whatever you like to do and calms you down, do this before you decide to study or read a mandatory chapter for class. 

There is no point in you working on something while in a bad mood, so before you get started on studying or starting a big project, do something you enjoy.

I know you can’t tell, but I actually just stepped away from the computer before finishing this to grab some food.  Which reminds me, that is something that I enjoy, so I guess I’m following my own tips.

2. Watch Netflix.

It doesn’t matter what type of genre you like, I’m sure you can find something that fits you on Netflix.  They have anything from drama and comedy, to serious and independent films.

So sit down before you go to study or write your paper, and watch a full season of The Hills or Breaking Bad. 

Not a fan of TV series? No problem! They have plenty of movies as well.

The great thing about Netflix is you get the first month free when you sign up!


and the number one way to procrastinate is…

1. The. Internet.

Ahh yes, what would we do without it? Well I wouldn’t be posting this on my blog that is for sure. The more tabs you have open the better.  Right now I am working on two assignments while I have five different tabs up. Every few minutes I will go back and forth between them, giving myself facebook and twitter breaks as well.

I’m just your typical college student though.

– Katie 



14 Ways To Procrastinate Productively